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14th February 2025 
Kinesiology and Reiki. Chalice Well

Touch for Health (Kinesiology) and Reiki

***ONLINE TOUCH FOR HEALTH currently offered with surprisingly good effects***
Surya will guide you to use touch techniques on yourself in the session. These techniques will orientate you to the present time giving a boost to energy and wellbeing and helping reduce pain or discomfort.

During the TOUCH FOR HEALTH ONLINE session Surya will guide you to use touch techniques on yourself. You will also receive supplementary guidance and diagrams of touch points via email so you can continue to use these techniques in your daily life.
These techniques will orientate you to the present time, helping you to let go of blockages in any area of your life and thus giving you a
boost of energy and wellbeing and helping reduce pain or discomfort
Touch for Health sessions are obviously usually in person but during this time of social distancing etc many of the tools of Touch for Health can be adapted effectively online.
Please do get in touch to talk through how Touch for Health could support you and bring a sense of embodiment and connection.
Usually the sessions are in person but during lockdown many of the tools of Touch for Health can be adapted effectively online.
Please do get in touch to talk through how Touch for Health could support you and bring a sense of embodiment and connection.

Kine-easy-ology uses the amazing natural tool of muscle testing to ask the body what in needs. It can inform one of imbalances in the meridians (energy pathways) and it can also show when they have been rebalanced after applying a therapeutic correction. It is a truly holistic therapy aiming to balance on the levels of:-

• Structure - muscles, organs etc
• Emotions - defusing stress from past , present or future experiences
• Biochemical and personal ecology - nutrition, sensitivities, lifepath
• Electromagnetic- balancing meridians, chakras, auras etc
• Spritual

All parts of the body can be seen as metaphors for our whole process of development.
For example a weak upper thigh muscle (Quadricep) may make it difficult for you to move forward in life and a weak shoulder muscle (Supraspinatus) may be a result of carying too much of a burden of responsibility on your shoulders.
The beauty of Kinesiology is that as you clarify your goal / vision / affirmation of how you ideally want to be you are already half way there and the body is then aligned behind that intention.
Using your own words so they fully encapsulate what you want gives you a statement that is then' programmed' into the body! We then see how the body responds to, say
'I now move forwards with steadiness and confidence and am able to fulfil my goals'
Whatever resistances are thrown up to this statement we can balance with a whole range of touch techniques such as Massage, Accupressure or Meridian touch.
Once this has happened the persons energies are now fully behind the goal.
We now just watch with interest how the new behaviour unfolds!

Touch for Health Kinesiology, £45 per hour / £38 concessions.


Sarah says:
'Your touch for health is so good, thank you , slept so well'
Sarah Blake, Art Lecturer, Cambridge

Amy says:
'Just to say thank you for a lovely treatment yesterday. I feel really good today and found the whole experience helpful and beneficial. '
Amy, Aromatherapist, Cambridge

Jodie Sellen says:
'Surya has a very wide range of skills. During my session she used a combination of muscle testing, dowsing, massage, meridian techniques, acupressure, reiki and traditional Kinesiology techniques. I found each technique used, deeply relaxing and nurturing.'

Jodie also says:
'I found each technique used, deeply relaxing and nurturing.
During the session I moved from feeling emotionally muddled to feeling a strong sense of clarity and a new focus and feeling of empowerment to move towards my goals.'

Dear Surya,
Could I express my sincere thanks for the Kinesiology treatment that I have received over the last 3 months (2007). I must admit I was extremely sceptical when my wife suggested I give it a try. Particularly as having suffered a severe broken leg some five years ago which resulted in my leg being held together with two plates and eighteen screws; so that I was restricted in movement and often in pain. Conventional medicine had told me that after such a serious injury I had done really well and that I just had to put up with the restrictions and pain.
I have just returned from the Lake District where I enjoyed walking round Buttermere, Ennerdale Water, climbing Skiddaw and Dodd which would not be bad for most 56 year old slightly overweight men, let alone somebody who until recently would struggle to walk a couple of miles. Whilst I still cant reason or rationalise why the treatment has benefitted me so well I am more than content just to accept it. So once again my sincere thanks and also from my two dogs Lily (springer spaniel) and Rowley (border collie) who are delighted with having proper walks.
Paul Osborne – Financial Advisor, Cambridge

Dear Surya,
I had a series of 3 Kinesiology sessions with you at Bodywise recently (2009) and just thought I would say thanks for your help. I have felt GR8 since our last session...happy, relaxed light and easy and healthy. Exactly what I wanted!
Anna – Dance Student, London

Re. Surya's Kinesiology practise
I would really recommend Kinesiology with Suryamani - she is very experienced, with a gentle but confident muscle testing method. She helps you achieve a state of well-being, using "goal-setting" and a wide range of remedies, all of which she tests against your own bodies responses.
I've had good results in the past with homeopathy, but I find Kinesiology more comprehensive, and more likely to bring about changes in lifestyle. Over time it's helped me clear up a lingering chest infection, disrupted sleep patterns and a bad back!
Amlanadhi – Customer Services Advisor, Cambridge

When Surya joined the team at CCTT in July 2012, Jodie wrote this blog:-
'Having known Surya throughout the whole of my own career as a therapist, I was delighted when she decided to join me at CCTT.
Her background in Nursing & Midwifery, her experience and her natural attributes and personality make a very talented, skilled and creative practitioner. And of course it provided me with the perfect opportunity to receive some treatment from her myself.
As I'm generally in good health, I felt that I'd like to make the focus of the session more emotional. Though when the day came, I was rather unclear about how exactly I was feeling inside. Through out the course of the session, this lack of clarity was replaced by a clear understanding of the emotional issues that were impacting upon me at that time. This was reached by a combination of Surya asking me appropriate questions to help me focus upon my primary concerns and her use of specific therapeutic techniques.
I think that the success of the session resulted from several factors. Firstly, Kinesiology is about listening to the intelligence of the body, however, the quality of the information that can be gathered is based upon the relevance of the questions asked. I found that Surya had the insight, intuition and experience to ask astute and pertinent questions. This allowed us to formulate a specific affirmation relating to a goal that I have and we were able to reinforce this within my body intelligence. I could feel this process taking place within me, on a very physical, emotional and energetic level, through out the course of the treatment.
Secondly, Surya has a very wide range of skills. During my session she used a combination of muscle testing, dowsing, massage, meridian techniques, acupressure, reiki and traditional Kinesiology techniques. I found each technique used, deeply relaxing and nurturing.
During the session I moved from feeling emotionally muddled to feeling a strong sense of clarity and a new focus and feeling of empowerment to move towards my goals.
It has now been several weeks since my treatment and I'm still feeling the benefit; I feel a sense of clarity relating to the area addressed, in general I'm taking a more simplified approach to life and I'm much more grounded.
Kinesiology Review by Jodie Sellen - Reiki Master and Proprietor of Cambridge Complementary for Therapies and Treatments

Reiki energy is a warm and loving witness to the body and holds it with total openness and acceptance, without judgement or agenda. This compassionate atmosphere gives the body the space to heal itself.
Reiki naturally flows from nature through the practitioners' hands to parts of the body that need it. The body guides this process and uses the energy in its own unique way for whatever healing or rebalancing is needed. The touch is gentle and either on the body over the regions of the Chakras or above the body in the spheres of the auric fields. It can be experienced as relaxing and balancing, healing and empowering.
Reiki, £35 per hour /£28 concessions.

Reiki energy can be directed with positive intention (and universal loving kindness) to someone even if they are not present. Distance is no obstacle whatsoever!
With your permission it is possible to dedicate an agreed hour when Surya will focus on you with full attention directing the healing energy to you for your highest benefit. This can be done off or online:

If its possible to send Surya a photo of yourself before the session it is helpful but not essential for this healing work.
In this scenario agree a time you can make yourself really comfortable in a peaceful room where you will not be disturbed, ideally for the full hour. You may wish to light candles and play some relaxing music. The invitation is to relax and to be receptive to the Reiki if that feels right for you. You may feel warmth, coolness, tingling or sense lights or colours or images in your mind or none of these things. It is different for everyone every time they have Reiki and some people are more visual, sensual, cerebral etc and that will effect the way the Reiki is experienced. As the session draws to a close. Take your time to gently finish before getting on with the next thing. If you would like to email your experiences or any questions that would be fine.

In this scenario Surya can invite you to a Whatsapp session (or other video platform) at an agreed time.
The session can begin with a mini consultation on how you are and what you need. It may be possible to ask the body using a pendulum to dowse for imbalances that the Reiki might focus on. Then the session can begin as above, setting up a beautiful peaceful environment in which you can relax and let go. Surya will also have set up a similar space from which to give the session. The video call will run throughout with the Reiki flowing and Surya will be able to sense visually and intuitively how to direct it. As the session comes to a close, Surya can use a gentle bell sound or other agreed sound to bring you more into everyday awareness. Then there will be some time for you to share your experience if that feels right or just to abide in silence together before finishing the call.

Fiona Shaw had many Reiki sessions over the years and had this to say:
'Surya and her unique, peaceful zendo are a recipe for total nourishment- physically, emotionally, even spiritually. She has a calm and caring manner and her hands are sensitive and skillful. I have always felt completely cherished, blissful and renewed.'
Fiona Shaw, Teacher and Healer, Cambridge